
#1 Summaries


In this tab the user has the possibility to search, to view and to cancel unload operations performed, which fulfill the specifi cancellation conditions of stock records.

RIBBON BAR: it represents the Form menu, that is the area in which it is possible to perform actions. The list of features is the following:

SearchButton to search the unloaded delivery notes. The result of this procedure can be viewed on the result grid.
DeleteButton to delete the whole unload operations selected on result grid, if they fulfill the specific cancellation conditions of stock records.
Restore Delivery NotesButton to delete the unload operations selected on result grid, for the delivery note in use on details grid.
Restore AllButton to delete the stock record of document selected during the unload operation in use.
PropertyIt enables the user to view how the selected unload operation has been performed.

FILTER AREA: the filter area contains the list of possible data type thanks to which it is possible to perform a selection. Filters have always 'AND' condition and it is possible to specify more filter criteria at the same time. 

RESULT GRID: the result grid represents the list of unload operations which correpond to filter data, above mentioned. The mask has two areas: the first are with the operation and the other one with details, delivery note and records generated by the unload operation selected on operations tab. Through the main grid of this area, that is used during the search procedure, it is possible to select unload operations on which it is possible to apply the ribbon functions.

In addition on this mask there is the possibility to view the stock record (double click on line).

BuildDate : 04 maggio 2015

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